The world is changing when it comes to product sales.
Large publishers and producers of "traditional" media like magazines and television are being decimated- some to the point of closing their doors- because of the new dominance of things like online and social media advertising, massive Public Relations campaigns, and "Affilliate" sales plans.
These, not coincidentally, are ALL things that Ace and his team of experts excel at providing.
While those can be a good means of selling, they certainly should not be the ONLY thing that you do- at least not if you want to be as successful as quickly as you can.
More and more companies are cutting back on the traditional "branding" advertising plans- where they would buy a large ad in a magazine, or a commercial on TV, cross their fingers and "hope" they get a good ROI.
"Direct Marketing" , often referred to as "Direct Response Marketing" focuses on the customer, data, and testing. What that means is that besides the communication with the actual customer, a direct marketing campaign will incorporate various actionable segments and use both pre- and post-campaign analytics to measure their results. Some of the characteristics that distinguish direct marketing from other types of marketing: